Driving While Suspended/Driving While Revoked
Many people think of traffic offenses as minor violations that won't have an overly adverse effect on their lives. However, Driving While Suspended and Driving While Revoked are serious crimes, and persons charged with either of these offenses can face very serious consequences. You should never attempt to handle a Driving While Suspended or Revoked charge without first consulting an attorney.
License--A Driving While Suspended or Driving While Revoked conviction will result in 12 points being assessed against you and will be permanently listed on your driving record. In addition to this, the 12 points will result in another automatic one year revocation of your license.
Criminal Consequences--Driving While Suspended or Revoked is a misdemeanor charge. For a first time conviction, you are subject to a $300 fine. For 2nd and 3rd convictions, you will be subject to up to one year in jail and up to $1000 fine. For a 4th or subsequent conviction within a 10 year period, or for a person with a prior alcohol related offense with 3 or more Driving While Suspended or Revoked convictions, it will be classified as a Felony D.
A skilled traffic attorney can help you have the charge against you amended to a lesser charge, but you must have a valid license in order for them to do so. Because of this, the first step when you are faced with this charge is to determine why your license is suspended or revoked.
1. Contact the Missouri Department of Revenue--You can contact the MO DOR by calling 573-751-4475. Have your driver's license number ready and be prepared to take down all the information they give you regarding your suspension. There are several reasons you may be suspended. Make sure you get the following information for whichever reason(s) applies to you:
2. Once you have determined the reason for your suspension or revocation, contact a skilled traffic attorney to help you have your Driving While Suspended or Revoked charge amended. There are a number of obstacles in the way of having your ticket amended, so it is important that you choose an attorney with experience in this area of law. Even if your license has been reinstated, things like prior Driving While Suspended or Revoked convictions, alcohol related contacts, or other negative charges on your driving record can make the Prosecuting attorney reluctant to amend your charge. An experienced attorney may be able to help purge some of the older convictions of your driving record, or otherwise negotiate with the prosecuting attorney on your behalf.
Keeping Your License--If your license is currently valid but you are facing a Driving While Suspended/Revoked charge, we can quite often help you have the ticket amended so that you will not have to take the 12 points, suffer a one-year revocation, and face possible jail time. If your license is not currently valid, we can help you get it back so that you will be likely be eligible to have the Driving While Suspended/Revoked charge amended.
Getting Your License Back--Depending upon the reason for your suspension, you may be eligible for a hardship license, a guilty plea withdrawal, or a warrant recall to have your driving privileges reinstated. We can help you explore all possible courses of action possible o required, and help you through every aspect of getting your license back.